Monday, January 11, 2010

Juice Blender Can You Put Chopped Carrots In A Blender And Expect To Get Them The Proper Consistency Of Juice?

Can you put chopped carrots in a blender and expect to get them the proper consistency of juice? - juice blender

I have a recipe for carrot and celery juice in it, I would not buy a blender because) a) the kind of expensive, and b foods containing the fiber mixture. I have a Cuisinart Blender Smart Power Duo, The leaves are in very good shape.


Dr.Cyclo... said...

No, no blender liquefy carrots. You should buy some carrot juice, which is much cheaper than a juicer.

Dr.Cyclo... said...

No, no blender liquefy carrots. You should buy some carrot juice, which is much cheaper than a juicer.

Wolfebla... said...

Depending on the strength of the blender you will be chopped or pureed carrots. (Read more: puree.) The point of a juicer is that the juice is extracted from the rest of the carrot. The result is the juice and left to dry on the fiber.

They can be used to approximate the flavor by adding a little liquid in the recipe and blend until pureed carrots. Or, if your mixer is not a good job of pureeing, you can use the liquid from the pulpy mass Drain through a fine sieve or gauze. However, there will be plenty of waste and does not receive nearly the amount of pure juice in this way.

But they are not the same texture without the juicer. They eat a lot of dough to be made of when he would not be used with the mixer.

HansonFa... said...

I think you should add some kind of liquid like water. Maybe you should not try, because what if the screws on the mixer?

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